Uncover our wide assortment of custom-made steel purlins for your solar racking projects.
Global Delivery
We deliver custom-made, quality-grade steel purlins internationally from our base in Canada, helping you economize on shipping costs.
Quick Timelines
We manage the design, manufacturing and delivery to your site. Explore the benefits for solar farms, carports, shelters, or parkades, where cost reductions are top of mind.
Customizable Sizing
We offer standard web sizes of 8”, 10” and 12”, and in various thickness and gauges. We customize the purlin to fit your needs, and can accommodate requests ranging 1,000 - 1.000,000 linear feet.
Certified Quality
Our purlins are UL 2703 certified, built to hold solar modules in Canada & the USA. This includes code-compliant grounding and bonding of solar PV modules, and requirements for ground- mounted solar and roof solar systems.
Get a Quote
Reach out to our sales team for more information and for a cost-competitive quote on purlins.